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 The Rimpsons.... oder wenn man sonst nichts zu tun hat.

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Age: 48
Joined: 11 Jul 2008
Posts: 950


PostPosted: 16.11.2008, 17:02    The Rimpsons.... oder wenn man sonst nichts zu tun hat. Reply with quote Back to top

Gab lange nix zu lesen hier, aber uns gibts natürlich noch. Wir farmen fleissig den aktuellen content ab und haben in den letzten Wochen einen neuen Gegner ausgemacht. Dieser Gegner mit Namen "Langeweile" fordert unser ganzes Können um ihm den Garaus zu machen bis TSO endlich live geht. Was Langeweile alles mit uns anrichten konnte lest ihr am besten aus einem Auszug unseres Gildenchats:

Bami says to the guild, "and shes buing a stairway to heaven... lalala"
Melendiil says to the guild, "im on the highway to hell bambam"
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "This is the END! my only Friend the END!"
Zhaglu says to the guild, "you should find more friends "
Melendiil says to the guild, "these boots was made for walking....."
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "these boobs?"
Mirayaxx says to the guild, "stop singing !!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "somewhereeeeere over teh rimbow"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "or moobs?"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "men boobs!"
Safanah says to the guild, "LOOOL Mel"
Melendiil says to the guild, ";D"
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Noogard says to the guild, "hey i got another song: Rim Rim Rim your boat, genty down the stream "
Maazenxxxxxx says to the guild, "pfui!"
Schafottxx says to the guild, "rofl"
Melendiil says to the guild, "HAHA"
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Safanah says to the guild, "ITs the final rimdown!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "omg LOOOOL"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "RIm me Baby one more Time!"
Bami says to the guild, "merrily, merrily, merrily, tongue is what you need"
Schafottxx says to the guild, "let it burn burn burn the rim of fire...."
Melendiil says to the guild, "choons!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "you got another rim coming..."
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Noogard says to the guild, "Rim Up the jam, rim it up ..."
Lenare says to the guild, "Ooops Im rimmin again!"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "LOL"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Safanah says to the guild, "i rimmed a girl and i liked it..."
Melendiil says to the guild, "ROFL"
Bami says to the guild, "hope lithin dont mind it"
Uschi says to the raid party, "ok then let us go up again"
Noogard says to the guild, "rimming at the discothek ...."
Melendiil says to the guild, "hmm i dont know that one"
Melendiil says to the guild, "its a crazy crazy crazy craaazzy rim...."
Noogard says to the guild, "you dont know crying at the discothek ?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "nope"
Melendiil says to the guild, "hm"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimming is a dancer....its a social passion-...you can rim it in the aaaaaair!"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "Hmmmm - hmm hmmm mmmhhhh - if i could rim your heart ..."
Bami says to the guild, "once, more you knock on my backdoor and you're here in my rim and the rimming goes on"
Melendiil says to the guild, "hahahaha"
Lenare says to the guild, "Ooooone rimming in tiiiiime When I'm more than I thought I could be"
Melendiil says to the guild, "jesus ;p"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "your frozen .... and your rim's not broken"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "LL"
Uschi says to the guild, "omg mel, what did u do !!"
Bami says to the guild, "nobody fucks with jesus! "
Melendiil says to the guild, "its raning rimms halleluja its raiding rimms...."
Maazenxxxxxx says to the guild, "no anita ward yet?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "err raining"
Ruragh says to the guild, "Riming Bell, riming the Bell... Riming all the way"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimday, Bloody RImday......."
Ruragh says to the guild, "All what Fun ... "
Munisx says to the guild, "Ich sehe euch alle schon zu Weihnachten Rim Glöckchen Rime Rime Rim Rim Glöckchen Rim"
Melendiil says to the guild, "i dont know uschi but i like it!"
Uschi says to the raid party, "stop rimming for some min. - we wanna go on"
Noogard says to the guild, "rimmers in the niiight, exchanging glances ...."
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Uschi says to the guild, "screenshots plz and on the HP !"
Melendiil says to the guild, "WHO YOU GONNA CALL, RIMBUSTERS...."
Safanah says to the guild, "lmao"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "rage against the rim !"
Safanah says to the guild, "fail! its called rim against the machine!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Melendiil says to the guild, "feels like rim spirit"
Safanah says to the guild, "LOL"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimendil!"
Bami says to the guild, "sultans of rim!"
Noogard says to the guild, "btw we didnt think about film Like Rimbo - First Blood, or Rimbinator"
Safanah says to the guild, "in the rimming time when the weather is high.... igh.. chch..."
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimja of Fortune!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Safanah says to the guild, "RIM WARS!"
Noogard says to the guild, "RIMZILLA"
Lenare says to the guild, "Lord of the Rims?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Bami says to the guild, "The RIM"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rim ROng"
Melendiil says to the guild, "LOL"
Safanah says to the guild, "rim in the city!"
Noogard says to the guild, "RIMs eleven "
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "24 RIms!"
Recinx says to the guild, "ALLE GAGA!!!!!"
Bami says to the guild, "no country for old rims"
Safanah says to the guild, "rim gate?"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "The Rim Knight!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "omg"
Melendiil says to the guild, "death rim"
Bami says to the guild, "Iron Rim"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimstar Galactica!"
Safanah says to the guild, "alien vs rimdator?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "rofl"
Mysk says to the guild, "Mad Rim 1-3"
Melendiil says to the guild, "like a rimjob, touched for teh very first time"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rimless in Seattle"
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lmfao mysk"
Safanah says to the guild, "lmao"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Marimja"
Bami says to the guild, "Quantum of Rimmage"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rim Brothers"
Recinx says to the guild, "PLS DO ME ONE FAVOR: NEVER PLAN A GUILDMEETING!!!!!!!"
Safanah says to the guild, "Rimcop!"
Cexi says to the guild, "lol"
Melendiil says to the guild, "oprhah rimfree show?"
Bami says to the guild, "lol"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimmerman"
Safanah says to the guild, "np recin youre not invited anyway..."
Recinx says to the guild, "phew"
Zhaglu says to the guild, "its called guild rim not guild meeting "
Mysk says to the guild, "Rim Academy 1-7"
Recinx says to the guild, "have all the fun u want with noogards rim"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "sure saf..he has to supy Vaseline all night long!"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "supply"
Safanah says to the guild, "lol"
Maeaxx says to the guild, "genau"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rim and Rimmer"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "You got mud on yo' face "
Mownzxx says to the guild, "You big disgrace "
Mownzxx says to the guild, "Kickin' your can all over the place "
Mownzxx says to the guild, "Singin' "
Mownzxx says to the guild, "We will we will rim you!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "staruday rim live"
Melendiil says to the guild, "saturday"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rimming in the rain"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "The Rimguard"
Mysk says to the guild, "Stairway to Rimmage"
Kulkxx says to the guild, "come on baby like my rim..."
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "bLACK riM"
Melendiil says to the guild, "rimfather 1-2-3"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "rIMRIDER"
Mysk says to the guild, "MacRimmer"
Melendiil says to the guild, "LOL"
Noogard says to the guild, "Hör mal wer da RIMMERT ?"
Kulkxx says to the guild, "Nightmare on rimstreet"
Maeaxx says to the guild, "fear and rimming in las vegas"
Zhaglu says to the guild, "hatten wir schon RIM possible ?"
Mysk says to the guild, "Buffy the Vampire Rimmer"
Noogard says to the guild, "Immer wieder RIM :9"
Munisx says to the guild, "Schneewitchen und die Sieben Rimmer"
Safanah says to the guild, "horrorfilme? rimdead! :p"
Noogard says to the guild, "was is mit schauspielern ? Rimvester Stallone ?"
Bami says to the guild, "Night of Living Rims"
Uschi says to the guild, "Rimnator !"
Lenare says to the guild, "Rim City"
Schafottxx says to the guild, "lord of the rims ?!"
Munisx says to the guild, "Kennt ihr die Serie auf RTL gute Rimmer schlechte Rimmer ?"
Lenare says to the guild, "du bist raus"
Melendiil says to the guild, "Kill rim 1 and 2"
Maazenxxxxxx says to the guild, "den gabs wirklich! ABOVE THE RIM!"
Safanah says to the guild, "vom rimde verweht?"
Mysk says to the guild, "Starrim Troopers"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "Rimdenstraße ?"
Safanah says to the guild, "loool"
Safanah says to the guild, "die sendung mit dem rim?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "Its not unusual to be rimmed by anyone"
Melodique says to the guild, "Wetten Rimm?!?"
Maeaxx says to the guild, "schneerimmchen"
Melendiil says to the guild, "tom jones btw"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rimming Man"
Heile says to the guild, "schnatterimchen"
Noogard says to the guild, "Der Rimmel aus dem Eis ? "
Safanah says to the guild, "omg"
Bami says to the guild, "gone with the rim"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "28 rims later ? "
Mysk says to the guild, "lol"
Melendiil says to the guild, ";D"
Noogard says to the guild, "Räuber Hotzenrim "
Safanah says to the guild, "H=F? :p"
Heile says to the guild, "rimkaepchen"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rim of the Dead"
Ruragh says to the guild, "Rimmel Maja"
Noogard says to the guild, "in 300 they say now, FOR RIMTOWN !"
Safanah says to the guild, "this... is .... RIM!"
Mysk says to the guild, "und täglich rimmt das Murmeltier"
Iwodxxx says to the guild, "hatten wir den schon ? Rimpelstilzchen "
Mysk says to the guild, "Rimlander - es kann nur einen geben"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Safanah says to the guild, "rim und doof?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "Rimmy hendrix?"
Safanah says to the guild, "the rimtels!"
Mysk says to the guild, "to rim or not to rim"
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rimney Spears"
Safanah says to the guild, "Rimdonna"
Zhaglu says to the guild, "exRIMdium ?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "basic rimstinct"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "Rimback Mountain"
Mysk says to the guild, "lol"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Noogard says to the guild, "hehe der pferdeflüsterer auf english mit rim ? the Horserimmer ?"
Melendiil says to the guild, "rimdiana jones"
Noogard says to the guild, "night all and GL"
Melendiil says to the guild, "gn noogi"
Mysk says to the guild, "Rimraider"
Maeaxx says to the guild, "rimington steel "
Choonsxxx says to the guild, "Rim the fucking Manual!"
Melendiil says to the guild, "lol"
Mownzxx says to the guild, "The rimtalian Job"

Wir hoffen, dass wir Langeweile am 18. November endlich down haben und uns auf neue Encounter stürzen können.

In diesem Rimme

Greetz an alle.

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